Hack to back school
1. What has been the hardest part of starting school during the pandemic?
The hardest part of getting used to online classes for me at least is just getting used to it because there's so many distractions around me. I think being at school makes it easier for me to concentrate so getting used to this whole new education system is gonna be a bit strange.
Not much like I said there are too many distractions at my house I've been focusing on one class more than the others which caused me miss a lot of work. Seeing my teachers once a week is hard because I might miss something important.
3. What are your goals in this course this year? What do you want to learn or get better at?
One of my goals for this year is just to get better at writing and public speaking. I'm okay at pubic speaking but I want to be so much better at it. Getting better at writing because I'm not the best at anything related to writing.
4. What's one habit you can start, stop, or improve to support your success?
I should probably stop doing some of my assignments last minute. Back in middle school I would do this a lot and I would always be surprised to see my grade wouldn't be to bad not where I want it to be but it would get me a passing grade.
5. What grade do you expect to earn on the semester report card?
I'm honestly really hoping for anything above B- so my parents don't keep telling me that's basically a C. I'm definitely going try my hardest to pass
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